Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Active Imaginations

Preston is at the age where his imagination is really starting to show. For christmas Grandma Cleo gave Preston a doll that he could learn to fasten buttons, tie shoes, use a zipper etc. The other day I noticed that he was playing with the doll more, trying to put it in the crib, carrying it around etc. I was in Grace's bedroom changing her diaper and Preston brought in the doll and plugged his nose and said pew to the baby doll (this is what we do when he has a stinky diaper) he then put the doll on the bed just like I had Gracie. I asked him if his baby needed a diaper change and he came over, got diaper and put the baby doll on top of it. After I was finished with gracie I asked is he wanted help changing the doll's diaper he said ok and we put the diaper on. Then I asked if the doll was hungry and he went and put the doll in the high chair! After that he has been carrying it around everywhere and burping it, hugging and kissing it, etc. It is really cute!

Preston and Kayden are really becoming play buddies! They spent most of Sunday playing with each other and it was very cute! Preston is stil a little rough but Kayden is getting tougher! Soon he will be hitting back!

Grace is doing well, she has a really bad case of baby acne but other than that she is great!

Preston thought she wanted a drink

Thursday, January 24, 2008

New Toys

Preston and Grandma were at the store this morning and Grandma saw a toy she just couldn't resist buying. A new fire helmet.

He just ate lunch that is the mess on his shirt!

He didn't want to put it on at first so Mommy showed him how fun it was

Preston has also started to learn how to feed himself with forks and spoons. I have just accepted the fact that he is going to get really messy and I will have to carry him to the bath each night!

Grace is four weeks old and is getting bigger each day. She has started to smile and reacts to people.

Never a Dull Moment

Preston discovered today what all toddlers soon discover.......
The pots and pans drawer! He loves anything that makes noise so these were an extra special treat!

He is pretending it is a steering wheel!

Now it is a Hat!

She slept through the whole thing!

I realize looking through the blog some of you may think Preston owns no pants! He does I promise, it is just easier to not put them back on after a diaper change or two. He squirms so much as it is.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

In Honor of Daddy!

In honor of Alan , Preston wore a brand new firetruck shirt.

In other news, Preston went to Sea World yesterday with Grandma and Grandpa. They bought him a new Shamu (he already had a medium one) here he is showing me what Shamu does (flies through the air)

He also showed me how he can jump:

Man he is such a cute kid!!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Mind of a Toddler

Preston LOVES playing with hats. If you are wearing one he will always take it off you and put it on his head. Well he had one of Grandpas hats this morning and he was putting it on himself, he then decided that Gracie, who was soundly asleep in her swing, wanted to wear the hat also!

He is getting much better with her, although he loves to steal her pacifier and then give it back to her, trying to get it in her mouth. It is definitely both fun and tiring having two kids!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Oh the Joys of Toddlerhood!

Yesterday I gave Preston his snack of an orange and left the room to work on something on the computer. I could hear him laughing and running around in the kitchen and thought he was just being himself and having fun. Well I went to check on him and this is what I found:

He had put all of his orange slices in the dogs bowl and was then eating them out of there and if you look closely at the picture of him he has dog food in his mouth! How Gross! If your wondering why I took a picture of the dog food in his mouth instead of getting it out, take a look at the teeth, he knows how to use them! I did eventually get it out though! He also had eaten his crayon earlier in the day! Needless to say I went to bed early yesterday!

Here are some pictures of Grace, she is 2 1/2 weeks old and doing great! She is holding her head up for a few minutes at time and is in the 75th % for height, weight and head size.

The best invention ever! The Swaddle Sack!

Sleeping is what I do Best!

Funny Faces

Mom stop taking pictures and FEED ME

Her brother loves her

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

First Boat Ride

After several hours of digging out a trench, Grandpa and Alan finally got the boat back in the water. Since Preston has in the past been to small for a ride on the boat we decided that now would be the perfect time.

Alan , Preston, Grandpa and Tucker took a ride this afternoon. Preston LOVED it! Grandpa even let him drive.

As for the rest of the family we are all doing well. Grace is growing and changing each day. She is still in the stage of sleeping all day with more and more awake periods each day. Preston is adjusting well to having her around. He doesn't really show jealousy, he is always interested in what we are doing when we are holding her, especially when Heather is feeding her. He likes to give kisses to her and tell her hi by waving in her face any chance he gets, sometimes pinching her in the process!

I will upload more photos of the kids when I get the chance.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Grace is here!!!!

Well as I mentioned in my previous post, we had scheduled a C-Section for Friday, December 28th. I woke up at about 1 am Friday morning and just laid in bed for a while, at 3 am I got up to go to the restroom and my contractions started. We got to the hospital at about 4 am and they told me I was in labor and gave me the option of keeping my scheduled C-section or attempting a VBAC. Since I had really wanted a VBAC in the first place I choose to attempt it and see what happened. Thankfully, it was successful and I had her the natural way at 8:43 pm December 28, 2007. She weighed 8 lbs and measured 21 1/2 in. It was a great experience with the exception of having to wait over an hour for my epidural (man I was in pain) She is beautiful, she looks allot like her brother did and has a nice little mullet!!!

Preston is adjusting well, thankfully Alan is his favorite person so he is getting to spend alot of time with him. He is warming up to her more each day.

We are glad to be home and will keep everyone updated!

Here is a link to a slideshow with all our pics!