We have had a good week. I am really starting to like it here (sorry mom)if our families were closer it would be wonderful, but since they aren't we make the best of what we have. Just this week we have:
Gone to the $1 for adults free for kids HUGE public pool 3 times! It has a great kiddie pool, slides, diving boards and allot of swimming space. Preston loves it and it isn't so bad being able to work on the tan!
Had playgroup with a great group of mom's. I think this is one of my fav. things.
Went to a softball game for Alan, on a league with great guys, and won! It was tons of fun, even though it was blowing dirt at about 25mph and when I got home Jennifer laughed because I had a dirt mustache and dirt raccoon eyes, from wearing my sunglasses to keep the dirt out of my eyes!
I know it doesn't seem much. But when your home going out and doing things on the cheap is great. Next week we are having at the zoo, did I mention said zoo is FREE and has most of the animals you would find at a regular zoo.
Preston is getting to be so much fun each day, he says things that amaze me. He will watch a show and answer the question they are asking, he says excuse me after I burp! He said I love you daddy to Alan the other night unsolicited. He just walks up to us and gives hugs and kisses for no good reason. And I think one of my favorites, when he gets hurt he will walk up to me or call for me and point to/pick up hurt body part and say "kiss"
Here is a pic from this week, I made Banana Bread and he wanted to lick the beater, he also snagged the spoon when I turned my back!
Preston saw me playing Peek-a-boo with Gracie's feet the other day, so I caught him on camera doing it, she thinks he is much funnier than I am. One draw back is, he is not supposed to lean on her swing, or really mes with her while she is in it, well Gracie thinks he is so funny, that she encourages him to break the rules by laughing at him. Poor kid, it caused an early bedtime last night because he was literally laying on her swing after multiple times of asking him not to. Gracie thought it was funny!