Well since we found out we are expecting number 3 things have been nuts. The next day the kids and I left for a week in FL. We had a great time with my family, my mom and I go to the Florida State Fair every year, so even though I am in KS now, the tradition remained.

One if the things I discovered was Gracie's hair has gotten long enough for tons of fun styles, she had a new one each day in FL.
When we got home, life just got in the way! I am taking classes again this semester and had midterms and a ton of homework.
Plus, with this preganncy I am MUCH sicker than the other two, to the point of not being able to function some days. It has not been fun!
I am feeling better now that my Dr. has perscribed some anti-nausea pills.
We also made the plunge the other day and bought a van, our Ion will not hold three kids and we have had only one car for a year, so we decised to take the plunge. We got the car we (well really I) wanted. It is nice not having to take Alan to work!
So that is what is going on with us.