We finally made it! Unfortunately, the flight here was very eventful. Our flight from Wichita was fine. Then we got on the plane in Dallas, which we preborded for, so after 30 minutes on the plane, they tell us there is a mechanical difficulty, and we have to get off the plane and move to the next one. An hour of waiting in the airport without a stroller and two kids who had not napped at all, I was at my wits ends. Two and a half hours, two poopy diapers changed in our seats and three potty trips for Preston later, we got into Tampa at about 9:45 and home at 10:30. The kids were up for almost 17 hours straight!
Today, we went swimming at my sisters in laws. It was tons of fun.
The kids and I leave for Florida tomorrow morning. We are going a week early and Alan will join us next Wednesday to help celebrate my mom's big 50. We are actually celebrating about 3 months early due to me being due 2 weeks before her real 50th birthday. Gracie will now be the only member of our family not born in August or October (not counting my Sister's husband and son). We are a weired family like that, Preston's birthday is Aug 8th, my Dad's is Aug 14th, mine is Aug 15th and Alan's is Aug 19th. Then in October Collin will be the 12th, my sister is the 25th and my mom is the 27th. Crazy huh!
Enough rambling! We are going to be visiting Disney for the first time with the kids as well as our usual trips to Busch gardens, Sea World and Aquatica. Hopefully I will also be able to throw in some beach time!
In other news, Gracie is talking a little more, although she does many of her words without opening her mouth. We are working on this, hopefully it will be fixed soon or else it will be a trip to the speech therapist for us! Preston is semi potty trained, I leave him diaper less in the morning and afternoon and he has no accidents. He stays dry most of the time in pull-ups but not as much as I hope.
I will update with FL pics as soon as we have some!
Alan had the day off yesterday. We went to the parade and then and then in an act of what i am not so sure yet was good judgement let them stay up until 10:30 to let them watch the fireworks.
the parade was fun but small. Jen and the girls came. We had talked about having Preston ride on the fire truck, but we were unsure how he would do with an hour of sirens. I think next year will be better.
We won't tell the mission president they were hanging out of the cars!
The city puts on a firework show. We parked pretty far away, because we were unsure how the kids would do with the noises. I remember being terrified of fireworks as a child. The kids did well, the show was OK, somehow we missed the finale, we could see the lights but were to far away because they seemed really low. Unfortunately, when we got home our neighbors were still setting fireworks off. They had been doing it all day. Preston was pretty scared when they set of an aerial. His room is on the front of the house, so we had to spend a good amount of time convincing him he was safe. He was pretty tired, so he fell asleep fast. Alan and i though were up past midnight, until they were done.
Alan also got his wisdom teeth out last week. he has been in a lot of pain! he is starting to feel better.