Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hair Cut!!!!!

Collin was born with crazy hair! He looked a lot like Kramer from Seinfeld! His hair though has started to fall out, so he was just left with these really long pieces on the top, often he would get the comb over look or his hair would create wings on either side of his head! So I decided it was time for a trim:







(This is his, “Mom, I am serious, get that camera out of my face” look!)

Much Better!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sick kids Stink!

It has not been a fun week around here! Everything was fine until Wednesday night, Alan and I had been in the garage working on some shelves and side tables. When we came in at around 10 pm, we heard grace crying. Alan went into her room to lay down with her (She has frequent bad dreams) unfortunately, this was not a bad dream and he ended up laying down in her puke! We got her cleaned up and back to bed, only to be woken up by Preston about an hour later! They have seemed fine during the day, but at night they are either puking or having things come out the other end. The ironic thing is, last year during this same week we were all really sick with what seems like the same thing.

Here they are:




Before this all started, Alan made me a new shelf and side tables for our living room.

This is what it used to look like


I sanded and stained the picture frames and we built the shelf the same way as the other floating shelves. Here it is now:


Alan also built these tables:


And this jewelry box for Gracie


Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

We were very lucky to have my parents come last Saturday and celebrate Christmas with us. We had such a good time, I forgot to take pictures! I know my mom took some, maybe she will send them to me (hint, hint)

Grace also turned two on Monday, seriously, who told her she could grow up? Her main gifts were geared toward dress up things, I took an old trunk I had and painted and Mogpodged it, my mom and sister bought several dresses and shoes, and I made her a tutu. She LOVED it. As she brought things out, she put them on. We also got her a dollhouse she loved, and Brianne got her a picnic basket and food to go with the play kitchen she got for Christmas.





On Christmas Eve, Jennifer droped her kids off so that she could get some cleaning/baking done. The day before she watched my kids and they made Gingerbread Houses, I thought I would return the favor and decorate cookies with her kids.

I think Cyrus won the overdecorating reward!








Preston said something that cracked me up today, he got really mad at Grace so he told her:
"Grace I am not your friend anymore, but don't worry I am still your brother"