Alan is a firefighter
and Heather works for the American Cancer Society.
We met 5 1/2 years ago in the singles ward in Tampa, FL.
We can't say that it was love at first site because to be completely honest, Heather blew Alan off the first time she met him! We started dating and were engaged 5 months later. We were married on May 17, 2003 in the Orlando, FL temple.
Preston graced our world on August 8, 2006 at 6:33 pm.
It certainly was love at first site!!!
He is the cutest kid! He amazes us each day with the things he has learned and what he can do! WARNING: Shameless bragging coming! We just celebrated his 16th month and he can, sign a large variety of words including, eat, banana, car, more, bath, dog, please, thank you and many more. He says probably 15 words and trys his hardest with all the other words in our vocab. He loves to pretend talk on the phone and his favorite phrase is Hi Daddy! although he uses that for everyone! He is certainly all boy! He loves the park, balls, exploring and anything else he can get into.
When Preston was 8 months old we were SHOCKED with the news that we were pregnant again! Grace will hopefully be born soon preferably yesterday if you ask Heather! We are very excited to meet her.
We are excited to start this blog so that all of our friends and family that live far away can keep up to date on our lives! We will post more later.
Its about darn time!!! Im guessing the pink backround is in honor of Gracie!
So loving it! Now I can come and see your family anytime! Congrats on everything. We are so happy and excited for you guys!!!
Yeah for posting! Thanks for telling us about it.... hint hint. Cant wait for gracie to show up!! Love you!
Welcome to the blogging world! Preston is so big - we can't wait to see Gracie!
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