Thursday, January 24, 2008

New Toys

Preston and Grandma were at the store this morning and Grandma saw a toy she just couldn't resist buying. A new fire helmet.

He just ate lunch that is the mess on his shirt!

He didn't want to put it on at first so Mommy showed him how fun it was

Preston has also started to learn how to feed himself with forks and spoons. I have just accepted the fact that he is going to get really messy and I will have to carry him to the bath each night!

Grace is four weeks old and is getting bigger each day. She has started to smile and reacts to people.

1 comment:

Toby and Tammy said...

he he he-love the photo of you Heather! What a fun toy. My mom sent me some outfits for the babe and two of them were of fire trucks! So cute. Made me think of you guys.
Glad you update-your baby is beautiful. Preston too! :)