He had reached the wipes bag and had pulled half of the wipes out and dumped them on the floor!
The poor kid is really starting to miss his daddy! I just can’t play with him as rough or fun as daddy can and he is missing an outlet to get out all that energy. The next two weeks could not go by fast enough!
Grace is getting cuter each day! I don’t remember Preston smiling this early.
At least you didnt hear 10 minutes of quiet and then THUMP like at my house when he learned how to crawl out of the pack and play! and that picture with him in the backround was funny. I bet you had a fun day!
Oh the joys of motherhood. So much for me to look forward to. I have heard that silence is never a good thing (unless they're sleeping).
My brother once found a jar of black paint when we were visiting family. He painted his whole body plus everything he could get his hands on....my mom was not a happy person! :)
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