Poor Preston has been sick since Monday with a cold. With the exception of a few trips to Home Depot to drive the little car carts with Alan, we have been pretty much confined to the house. No Play group or gym! So needless to say he has been in a pretty foul mood the last few days. And I am slightly embarrassed to say he has been driving me NUTS!!!!
Well I guess God thought I needed a laugh last night!
I was giving Preston a bath which is his favorite time of day! I walked out of the room (I know bad mommy) to grab his towel and PJ's when I came back in I looked at the Tub and there was POOP everywhere, not just one or two logs but a bath full of it! and to top it off it was Bright Green from a food coloring he ate in his pudding the night before. It was disgusting. So I get Preston out of the tub sit him on his potty and run out to the living room to call Alan who was in the garage. He runs in looks in the bath tub and starts to gag, so I ask him to take Preston to his room to get him ready for bed while I scoop out the floaters! I have a pretty strong stomach when it comes to those things but I seriously thought I was going to puke! So as I am doing this I hear Alan in the other room say NO, Preston. I ask him what happened and wouldn't you guess Preston had peed on the floor of his room! I am cracking up laughing as I am typing but really it wasn't funny last night!
In other news, Gracie is starting to laugh! It is so cute! I need to get some pics of the kids but I just unpacked the camera charger today so hopefully next post I will get them up.
I have to run Preston is waking up from his nap, Why is it those are the fastest two hours of my day!
Im gaging just reading it!!!! that is my biggest fear! note to self: dont ever give preston another bath..at my house!
he he he, that is quite the funny story!
I am glad you guys are getting settled in. Will you e-mail me with your new address and phone numbers?!
Miss you and hope to see you someday!!!!!!!!!!!
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