Preston has been so funny lately, he will copy almost anything we say. For those of you grossest out by talk of poop, don't read the next part:
On our way home from Colorado yesterday, we stopped for a diaper change, I was changing Gracie and Alan was changing Preston, Alan I mentioned Grace had some poop and Alan said, Oh it looks like Diarrhea, not a minute later as Alan was finishing up Preston's diaper he yelled out "I have Diarrhea " and he proceeded to say that through out our trip!
I was watching Lucy (our niece) the other day while Jennifer was doing some visits for relief society, we were eating lunch and something happened and Preston looked like he was about to cry, I asked him what was wrong and he looked up at me and said, " I sad mommy" then he smiled and said "I happy"
I just cant wait to see what he teaches Kayden to say when we are on our cruise!
LOL!! It always amazes me the things they pick up on and repeat.
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