Anyway, things have been pretty mundane around here. We did find out we are having a boy. We are excited, we know his first name is going to be Colin, the verdict is still out on the middle name.
We also went to Co. to visit my grandparents while my sister was there, I of course forgot my camera, so check my sister's blog out for pics.
Gracie is trying to talk more each day, she trys most words we say although she usually doesn't get it right!
Her personality is becoming much more dominant, she is a little bit of a drama queen. I think Preston is going to have a rude awakening soon, she is starting to fight back!
Her new favorite thing is shoes, she wore one shoe all day, alternating the other one with her brothers and her dress shoes.
It's about time!!!! :) Gracie comes by her shoe fetish honestly. You've seen my closet:) Can't wait to see you guys next week...pack the camera now!
WaHOO!!!! We love little boys! Yea, I have something for you, but was waiting to find out what you were having. CONGRATS!
Hope all is well. Glad you updated.
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