Plan for 4 hours at the hair salon when you really only thought it would take 2(I was so hungry when I left!)
Make sure to place Rte 44 diet coke in actual cup holder, so you don't spill its entire contents on your van floor (thanks babe for shampooing that up)
Even if you are really mad at your 3 year old for playing in the potty, DO NOT try and slam his door, especially when your finger is in between the door and frame. (Also, if bleeding, do not run around house shaking your hand, it will fling blood drops everywhere!)
After a full day of bloopers, be thankful for your wonderful sister in law who watched you kids while you spent a wonderful evening out with your hubby!
Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday.
Here are some Pics from Preston's Birthday
the not flinging your hand and running around to keep the blood from flying? you should have learned that lesson LONG ago since you have been doing it since you could walk!!!`
and dude? 4 hours? what the crap did they do? we better see the result of a 4 hour hair do!
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