Sunday, November 7, 2010

We're Not in Kansas Anymore Toto

Well we are now, but we weren’t for Halloween. We went to visit my parents in Florida for the last two weeks in October. Both for Halloween but to also celebrate my sisters 30th birthday. In honor of our current residency in Kansas we decided to do a Wizard of Ox theme for Halloween. Grace was Dorothy, Preston the Tin Man, Kayden the Scarecrow and Collin was the Lion. Liam was a Flying Monkey, though as a 3 month old he didn’t do much flying! Lomi (Brianne’s dog) was supposed to be Toto, but Adam poo-pooed our Idea to spray paint her black :( We also had Buzz (Alan’s brother) and Amanda over with Jacob who was Buzz Light-year and Cha Cha who was Woody. We had fun despite the horrible mosquitos and 80 degree weather.

We also spent time at Disney and Sea World while we were home visiting. It was fun to see the kids get so excited over the characters at Disney.

Kayden wanted to be a pirate

And then he saw himself in the mirror

In other news, we are doing well here. Preston is enjoying pre-school. Grace is becoming more of a drama queen each day, she is rapidly approaching the torturous threes and it shows. Collin is walking and getting into everything. He is mischievous and will laugh while running away or torturing his sister. I am pretty sure he will turn out to be like his daddy was as a kid, including multiple trips to the emergency room! Next time you see Alan ask him about toothpicks.


Brie said...

You're ALIVE!!!!!! Welcome back to blogging :)

Unknown said...

Fortunately I find your blog