Today is 5 Alan and I's Five year anniversary. We have been so blessed during the 5 years and I am so thankful to have such an amazing husband. One of our friends here in Garden also has an anniversary today do I am stealing an idea from her.
Here is what happened in our 5 years
May 17 2003- Married in the Orlando Temple
2003- Traveled to Idaho to get all of my stuff from school, drove across country with a Uhaul for our Honeymoon
2004- Bought our first house
2005- Alan was in school and we both enjoyed spending time with family
2006- Had Preston 8-8-06, visited all of our family in several different states
2007- Had Gracie 12-28-07, Alan graduated from Fire Academy
2008- Moved to Garden City
Anyway- I couldn't imagine my life with out Alan and I am so thankful for our marriage.
Happy Anniversary!!! Love ya! Have fun with the 'rents :)
You look so gorgeous! I wish I could have been there for your wedding! Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! You guys are ADORABLE and we are so glad to have you in our ward!
Happy Anniversary! 5 Years-Wahoo!
We love you guys so much and hope that you had a wonderful day.
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