My Family was here for the weekend. It was great. We are so blessed to be able to see both of our families in two weeks! We are making the 4 hour drive to Colorado Springs next week for Alan's mom's 50th!
We generally just hung out with my parents. We went to Boot Hill in Dodge City on Saturday, even though Alan was feeling particularly crappy from a cold he had. Here are some pics:
My parents also took Preston to the zoo:
In other news, we are the house of sickies this week. Alan, Preston, me and now Grace have all had some type of ailment. Hopefully we will be better soon.
that picture of dad and preston is so CUTE!!! I hope you guys are feeling better soon...especially since in one month you will be taking one heck of a plane ride(are you crazy!!??)
ps where is my shoe!! :(
Man we totally forgot to give mom your stuff, you know between puking it just didn't cross my mind!
Heather, your bishop saw your pictures and he wants to talk with you about your drinking problem. Ha Ha Ha!!!
Notice how Preston is doing just about everything BUT looking at the animals at the zoo:) Also, you may want to let everyone know that what you are drinking in that picture is Sasparilla since it looks very much like somthing else you shouldn't be drinking!!! :):):)
Just popping over from the LDS board to say hi! Cute blog, and cute family! Looking forward to getting to know you better on babycenter.
I hope you all get better quickly...we've had sick kids this week too and it's the pits.
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