Friday, June 6, 2008

Picture Overload!

Man- We have been busy. We had a great time in Colorado with our families. We got to visit with Heather's Grandparents as well as spend most of our time with Alan's family. Besides hiking, which Alan so nicely put, I couldn't cut it! We also went Whitewater rafting on the Arkansas River. It was so much fun. As soon as Jessie gets the waterproof camera pics developed I will post them.

Anyway Here is a menagerie of our trip and a few things happening this week:

This is to prove I really was on the mountain ready to hike!

This is the view from Grandma Cleo's back yard!

She sat up by herself for the first time on her 5 month mark

I thought Gracie Looked Really cute in one of her outfits MeMaw bought her
Preston has graduated to the table with us, so Gracie gets the highchair
Cousin Lucas put Grace to sleep like an expert
Papa and Gracie became quick friends!
This is my Mama's grave site, I hadn't been to visit since her death

We really have had a good week. The kids are doing great.
on one last good note, Alan finally got the job offer from the TSA. He will start training on the 23rd. Luckily it is such a flexible ob it won't interfere with the fire station and still leave family time.

1 comment:

Brie said...

What great pics! Gracie legs are so skinny in that picture! She and Kayden can create the skinny leg baby club:)