Sunday, September 28, 2008

Houston, we have Poop!

Today is a big day in our house, Preston Pooped in the Potty! Yipee! I have been struggling with when I was going to PT Preston. Alan will be gone for a week fishing, so I thought I would start this next week. Preston has worn big boy underwear fro a few hours at a time with no accident, but up until today it was always at my prompting to sit on the potty.

Today we were eating lunch and I noticed he was doing his poop face! I asked him what he was doing and he told me he needed to sit on the potty. We ran to the bathroom, he had already pooped a little in his diaper, but he still wanted to sit on the big potty. So after a few minutes he got up to sit on the little potty, and I looked in the toilet and there was Poop! I praised him, we jumped around, he got hard candy. and then he flushed the poop and said goodbye!

I think this may be the jumping off point I need.

I will update the blog with some pics of the kids later, not pics of Preston's accomplishment! Love you all!


Sharee said...

Congratulations!! It's so exciting!!

Brie said...

The best is when he tells you over the phone that he pooped on the potty and the whole house starts jumping for joy!!!

Toby and Tammy said...
