Saturday, February 16, 2008

A Day at the Fair

Grandma, Preston, Grace and I went to the State Fair today. It was a lot of fun and very exhausting. Here are some pictures.

Here we are at the start of our day. I thought the upsidedown sunglasses were cute.

We had a yummy corn dog for lunch

Grandma helpped Preston go on a pony ride.

He LOVED it!

Then he and I went to the petting (I guess you could say Gracie went to, she is in the wrap I am wearing)

As you can see we had a long day

We were on our way out of the fair and I was congratulating myself on how I had only spent 3 dollars on the feed for the animals and then I saw this:

We will call it Alan's valentines day gift!

1 comment:

Toby and Tammy said...

How fun. Love the fire truck. I'm so jealous of the warm weather that you guys are having. You're in short sleeves, with sun glasses, and I'm stuck FREEZING!