Sunday, October 19, 2008

Gross and funny

Fair Warning this is EWWWW

For those of you who have babies or have had babies, you know sometimes you have to pick their boogers. Alan swears this is why women's fingers are smaller than men's so that we can get them up our babies noses! Any who, Gracie has had some big ones lately but she HATES me trying to get them out. Last night Alan was holding her so I could get them out and she was blowing air in and out of her nose, think of a bull when it is mad, this is what she does. So she is doing this and a bugger flies from her nose straight into her open mouth! It was so gross! Alan kept telling me to fish it out and I refused, Gracie was happy because she got something to chew on and Alan was just plain grossed out!

Preston has this new thing where if you correct him he will say Oh, such and such. This morning he was playing with an Air Force One plane Alan got him, I was telling him how it was special because the President flies in it:

Me: That plane is special

Preston: No it is a plane

Me: Yes a special plane the President flies in.

Preston: Presents!

Me: No the President

Preston: Oh, President


Brie said...

Again with the presents! This is going to be a fun Christmas!

Sharee said...

Okay the booger story grossed me! But yeah, isn't it funny that we would never dream of helping anyone with their boogie problems but we are more than willing to help our children. Ha ha! The things we do as Moms...