Saturday, April 12, 2008


I have been contemplating if Preston is ready to use the potty or not. He plays with his diaper when it is on and makes noticable sounds/faces when he is needing to poop. This morning he was making what we lovingly call his poop face and I asked him if he needed to go potty. He said yes and we went and sat him on the potty. He had already pooped a bit in his diaper so once we got him on the potty I asked him to poop and he did! I am not holding out to much hope that this will be a regular occurance but I am seeing it as the first step. Sorry if poop stories gross you out!

In other news, the kids are doing well. Preston says more and more each day. Alan and I got to go on a date last night- thanks Jen. We went and saw Leatherheads and ate at a vietnamiese resturant in town, it was actually really good.

My Parents are taking all of us on a cruise this November so Alan and I have made the commitment to get in to shape before the cruise. Alan is already in pretty good shape, I still need to lose the 20 pounds I gained when we got married! So we have gone to the gym 2 days in a row and I am sore! Hopefully we can keep it up!

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Toby and Tammy said...

Yea for Preston! Won't it be nice to only have one in diapers?!

so JEALOUS that you're going on a cruise! I love cruises....Toby has never been on one, hopefully someday!